Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowman Ski Resort & Tromsø, Norge

Thanks to Even, Morten and Zhanna!
Hint: Click on pic to have a bigger view. Especially on panoramas.


  1. How do you do?
    My name is airyuu, and I'm a Japanese.

    I have visited your blog first today.
    Your photographs of Estnia are so beautiful!
    I want to visit your blog often.

    By the way, I have my blog of my dolls and my days.
    I like your blog, so, could I link your blog to my blog?

    Thank you for reading.


  2. Thank you very much, Airyuu! O genki desu ka?
    Not all of the pictures are from Estonia but sure, I would be happy if you link my blog.

    It's interesting to know how did you find my blog by the way?

  3. Hello, Mr.Ken.
    Thank you for answering to my comment and I'm sorry to late for answering your comment.

    Wow, you speak Japanese :)
    I'm very happy to be able to link your blog.
    I love the colors of nature -white, violet, green, and their gradations- and nature of Estonia very much.
    Your photographs are so mysterious and delicate :D

    Why did I find your blog?
    One day, I used the Internet to find things.
    I see a blog that cited your photographs,
    and I was deeply impressed with them!
    And the blog links your blog,
    so I was able to arrive at your blog.

    Thank you for reading.

